1. Design Method of a New Type Wind Turbine, AeroMINE
Kim Chol Sok, Kim Il Sung University
Lecture Room 4, 8/7(Wed), 16:00
2. Factory Automation System Using ECS-700
Associate Prof. Mun Kwang Chol, Grand People's Study House
Lecture Room 4, 8/13(Tue), 16:00
3. Manufacturing Technique of Flexible Transparent Conductive Film
Dr. & Associate Prof. Mun Nam Hui, Grand People's Study House
Lecture Room 4, 8/14(Wed), 16:00
4. Utilizing Technique of Nonlinear Chemical Fingerprint
Dr. & Associate Prof. Hong Yong Son, Lecturer, Faculty of Chemistry ,
Lecture Room 4, 8/20(Tue), 16:00
5. A Few New Welding Techniques
Kim Hyon Song, Lecturer, Grand People`s Study House
Lecture Room 2, 8/21(Wed), 16:00
6. The Design Method of Clothing for Different Body Types
Associate Prof. Jang Hye Son, Pyongyang Jang Chol Gu University of Commerce
E-Lecture Room, 8/27(Tue), 16:00